Know Your Staff By This
from The Desk of
LaTonya “LW” Washington
I am sure that when you finally realized you could not progress alone and needed a team or staff to help the mission, you may have assumed that all came in with leadership skills. To your dismay, that was not the case. Not everyone has the skills to be a leader or make tough decisions. And that’s okay. You, as the one in charge, have to shake the dust off and figure out where to put people or not.
So let’s evaluate:
For each team member, place them in one of these categories: Are they:
The Enthusiastic Beginners: Low-skilled employees who show a strong commitment to their work, but need a lot of guidance.
The Disillusioned Learners: Somewhat competent employees who show low commitment to their work due to challenges faced.
Capable but Cautious Performers: Reasonably competent employees who show various levels of commitment to their work.
Self-Reliant Achievers: Highly competent employees who show a strong commitment to their work.
Now that you have placed them in the right category, know how to deal with each.
- For the enthusiastic, you will have to tell them exactly what to do and how to do it.
- For the disillusioned learner, you will have to direct and support them; they will need guidance.
- For the capable but cautious performer, you will not have to do much directing but will need to support them.
- For the self-reliant, you may need to keep an eye on them, but no need to micromanage.
When you understand these concepts, you will know what you’re working with!
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Executive Director of The Customer Culture