Persona, Persona, Persona: That’s the Question!

The other day, I was grading papers of my students… 

Yep! I’m a Professor. 

I was looking over their assignment which was focused on creating personas, i.e., your ideal type of client for your product or service-based items based on your brand. 

As I looked over their information, I began to reminisce on how it is IMPOSSIBLE to understand the customer/client without truly understanding what motivates them, what pains them, and their background. (HINT: The goal is for your brand to be relatable). 

Over the years, I’ve seen many business owners and entrepreneurs grasp for straws because they were rushing to put things out on social media, when all-in-all, not realizing if you are going for the likes ONLY, to make it look good ,and don’t get it twisted, it looks good to have 1000 likes (as long as you didn’t buy them….oops!), opposed to people journeying to your profile and then straight to your website. BINGO! 

We have to play smarter, not harder in these streets! There is too much competition and if you do not know who your Ideal Client is, you will forever burn… 

So, let me share some light at the end of the tunnel for you that I had to learn to do a long time ago… 

First, I had to STOP! Then I had to THINK about who has become clients, do they have the same makeup, background, and pain points? Hmmm….it will vary, but you will begin to see similarities.

Once you see them, that is who you speak to…speak to the soul, whether it is the thing that motivates them or the thing that touches their pain. Now mind you, everyone who reads your post or blog, will not be your ideal client/customer and it will not even phase them into what you are talking about and that’s okay! 

Allow yourself to THINK! Put yourself in their shoes and allow the pencil to flowing on that paper (or in today’s time, allow your fingers to hit those keys on that keypad and read on that big screen).. Ha! 

I would love to hear what you have come up with. Feel free to share with me and if you find yourself having a little bit of trouble, let me know and we can definitely do a FREE 30-minute Clarity Discovery Call! Email me at