Three Options When Struggling

Hey You! Have you heard, some States are beginning to open up? So what will you do?…

For many people, they are struggling mentally with what to do.

It’s tough when you’re struggling.
We can help!

But, we all have 3 options when it comes to our careers or jobs; whether to…

  1. Keep going in the same direction,
  2. PIVOT, or
  3. Cut our losses…



My question to you is….are you struggling with what to do next?.

You’re struggling right now. I get it, and so does everyone else! It can be hard to see the light at times when you feel as if there is no end in sight for your pain or suffering, but please know that things will start looking up soon enough.

Struggling can make you feel like your worlds are crashing down around you. Struggles in life often bring about feelings of vulnerability and helplessness, which may lead the person who is struggling to believe that they have no control over what happens next or even if their struggles will ever end. As hard as it might be for them though- there’s always something we could do! It doesn’t mean giving up on ourselves completely – but rather finding ways through adversity by using our God-given abilities He has blessed us with already: creativity (which includes art), prayer/meditation, and many more.

Grasping at straws, you continue on in the hope that something will turn up.

When you’re struggling, you can either stay where you are and hope things get better, or you can take action and try to improve your situation.

If you’re not sure what to do, consider talking to someone who has been through a similar experience.

Sometimes the best thing you can do is just keep moving forward and trust that things will work out in the end.

You do not have to struggle – ask for help, talk to a close friend, and work through your process. It will get better…