When I listen to CX Leaders talk about their specific business challenges, it seems to often come down to ONE WORD…
… Overwhelm.
They’re overwhelmed with all of the things they have to DO…(me included) … but also, with all of the things they have to LEARN…
… and all of the experts available, from which to learn
(who many times gives conflicting advice).
Well… I met a group of leaders on Clubhouse that I simply fell in love with…
In fact, there are at least 6 of us who began having Clubhouse rooms together, connecting on these social media platforms and definitely bouncing information off one another.
This makes life (and business) much easier and more simple and allows us to make life and situations much simpler for you.
I got something coming down the pipeline for you and I believe in taking my time to do things right, I’m doing just that and getting all my ducks lined up in a row.
Watch out, some great things are coming for your benefit and will allow you to provide value to your customers, consumers, and clients.
I’m curious if you’re open to having a voice and sharing your thoughts. If so, send an email to support@thecustomerculture.com and say “I have a voice.”
We’re creating a strong community and adding value, daily.