One of the biggest crimes you can commit, as it pertains to yourself and your business, is having a BRAND that is UNREAL.
If you’re unreal, then you just end up being BORING – people want to see the different sides of you, if not, you become mediocre and will become lost in a sea of voices with no elements of surprise.
If you’re communicating with people via the content of ANY form – social media, emails, videos, whatever – then you need to ensure that you follow these 3:
- Entertain – make sure you fascinate people in some way.
- Educate – help them learn things that will improve their lives.
- Inspire – give them something that will level them up around their values.
If you can do those three things, then you’ll usually be golden. If you wanna go NEXT LEVEL though, then you can do those three things with actual PERSONALITY.
You don’t have to be perfect or ‘good’ to connect with people – you have to be likable and people always like what’s REAL.