My rejection will help you succeed

Hey Smart Business Builder, It happened when I moved to California.

My marriage was going downhill, I was thrown into a culture that I had to adapt to, and I was pregnant. I decided I no longer wanted to stay in the nursing field, I felt on the inside of me there was a change comin’ As I went through divorce, I went back to school, all while raising a son who was very active in sports; I was always there. Sometimes I look back and wonder, how did I do it? As I hustled in this thing called business, I was rejected from projects on several occasions, I would hear things like, “This just isn’t the right time for us.” “We’ll get back to you.” “I’m not sure. Let me think about it.” It was the fortitude that allows me, at this moment, to give you hope that no matter how many “no’s,” all it takes is 1 “yes” to set you in the playing field of life. In this game, I challenged myself to develop my skills, educate myself on all things business, and learn how to sell myself from the stage of life. I had to take my strengths and master them, and I had to position myself as an expert (which I know my stuff).

We never stop learning, because technology continues to evolve. This is EXTREMELY important, Friend.